Topic: Homer odyssey- bks IX-XI and XVI-XXII ( Journal Entry)

Topic: Homer odyssey- bks IX-XI and XVI-XXII ( Journal Entry)

Pages: 2, Double spaced
Sources: 1

Order type: Coursework
Subject: English
Style: MLA
Language: English (U.S.)

Order Description
homer odyssey : bks IX-XI and XVI-XXII
Try to combine all together in a journal entry and please no outside sources just the book which is norton anthology of western literature ninth edition
(2) What Exactly is Required in the Journal?
This will vary according to your instructor and the level of your class. Some instructors may require a one-page journal entry for each text; in graduate courses, you may have to write 2-4 pages. But this is your chance to show the instructor that you have read the text carefully and have thought about it. You should refer to various parts of the text and use page numbers to document your citations. Even if you don’t understand the text, this is a good place for your to write about what you don’t grasp and to ask some questions.

(3) What Should I Write About?
First, let us stipulate what you should not write about:
• Do not write a summary of the text.
• Do not write an entry based on class discussion.
• Do not include a lot of biographical information about the author; focus on the text.
Here is what you should write about:
• Your journal entry should be based primarily on the text, and should conduct a close analysis of it, citing page numbers, to demonstrate that you have read it carefully.
• You don’t need to use long quotations but you should ensure that you refer to several parts of the text.
• This is not a formal essay, but neither is it a mere “response” journal. The following guidelines will give you some idea of how to go about this.
(4) Some Ideas for Journal Entries:
• Essentially, you need to identify a central theme of the text and to write about that. There is a distinction between theme and subject-matter , or what the text is about. For example, we might say that James Joyce’s story The Dead is about Irish middle-class life or a middle-class man and his wife. But the theme will be something like “death” or “love” or “the inauthenticity of middle-class life.” Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is about a voyage up the river Congo; but its theme might be something like “race” or “imperialism” or “the breakdown of European values.”
• Regarding this theme, you can such questions as: How is this theme developed? Is it a logical argument or appearance thereof? Is it an emotional progression? A catalogue? Or an analysis of external objects?
• When you write about any literary text, you can approach it in terms of both its content or what it says , and its form or how it says something . Here are some questions you can ask about poetry and fiction:
(i) Does the story have a central aim or purpose? What is the basic theme?
(ii) How is this theme/purpose developed through the plot?
(iii) Describe the central characters in the story and their attributes?
(iv) Show how various details contribute to the portrayal of a given character.
(v) Is there a central conflict in the story, between characters/perspectives?
(vi) Describe the basic structure of the story.
(vii) What kind of narrator tells the story? Who is the intended