Ethnography Study Plan

Ethnography Study Plan
Format MLA

Volume of 8 pages (2200 words)

Assignment type : Research Paper

Stage of Completion: Auction
I would like this paper to be about the Mexican culture in Houston. It doesn’t have to a strong ‘A’ paper. I’m satisfied with a ‘B’ paper or even C.

Note from instructor:The Intercultural Communication Ethnography Study is a field-based personalized research method, which
requires a long-term commitment of day-to-day observation and interaction with people and activities from a different culture. Therefore, you need to go out to the real world, observe and interact with a different culture, and keep record of your experience. There are many ways to find a different culture in your area: you can go to
a Greek town, Italian town, or China town in your area or participate in a foreign cultural festival; you can also make friends with a different cultural background and ask them to introduce more friends from their culture; you can join campus societies featuring a foreign culture that is different from yours; you can try to interact with international students as language partners by learning a foreign language or offering help to improve their spoken English. All writing assignments must be typed in a Word file with a 12-point Times New Roman or Helvetica font, double spaced, spellchecked, and grammatically correct in a normal-margined (Top:1″, Bottom:1″, Left:1.25″, Right:1.25″) page.

Study Plan (40 points): a minimum of 3 pages (reference pages do not count).
First, you need to identify the culture you target at learning.
Second, you should explain the reasons you choose this culture.
Third, describe your concrete plan to observe and keep in close contact with a particular local community
representing that culture. Also explain how you will keep record of everything you witness and experience (for
example, keep a diary or use a voice recorder). Since it is an assignment based on long-term observation and
communication, your plan should specify how you will learn a different culture by immersing yourself in,
observing, and interacting with a local community on a weekly basis (if not on a day-to-day basis) for at least 6
upcoming weeks.
Last, describe what specific intercultural communication knowledge (i.e., terminologies, theories, concepts, or
perspectives) in the book chapters and extended readings you will apply to your study plan as well as your
expectations for this study.
Final Paper (100 points): a minimum of 8 pages (references page not counted). At least 20 reliable noninternet
sources must be provided in proper APA format and 8 of the 20 references should be from the textbook.
Final paper should be properly revised based on the feedback to your draft provided by the instructor. This is
NOT a pass/fail assignment.
Part 1 (Plan Description): briefly describe your previous plan (about 1 page, no need to include all details in
the plan study).
Part 2 (Final Report): describe how you have implemented your study plan throughout 6 weeks (about 2
pages). What people did you get to know? What activities did you perform to learn this culture? Was it
successful? What difficulty have prevented you from doing it more effectively? What did you do to overcome
the difficulty in the next few weeks?
Part 3 (Analysis): analyze what you learned about this culture from the activities carried out. Was your
experience with the culture consistent with what you learn from the textbook chapters? Why or why not? How
would you describe your interaction with the different culture? What are these barriers? Use the terminologies
and theories to rationalize your perception of the different culture and your interaction with people from that
Part 4 (Summary and conclusion): summarize your experience of this ethnography study and provide a clear
conclusion based on your summary.
Grading Criteria for Final Paper (100 points)


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