Five case notes

Five case notes

Assignment type : Other types

Format MLA

Volume of 900 – 1500 pages (5 pages)
There are five case study

In the case notes, you should answer the questions at the end of the relevant case study to be discussed in class, in a brief note form, to be submitted
There will be eight cases in total as listed below. Students should submit case notes
Week 1: Film Prioritisation (p. 62-65)
Week 2: ORION Systems (A) (p. 100-103)
Week 3: Advantage Energy Technology Data Center Migration (p. 206-7)
Week 4: Alaska Fly Fishing Expedition (p. 242-3)
Week 6: Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm (p. 98-100)
Week 7: Franklin Electronics (available on vUWS)
Week 8: Maximum Megahertz (p. 540)
Week 9: AMEX, Hungary (p. 566-8)

All five case notes must show a satisfactory analysis of the case, including calculations if appropriate, sufficient to prepare the student for a class discussion of the issues in the case. Case notes may be useful during the open book exam.

You should nominate one case note from your five submissions for assessment in week 9.
Marking criteria and standards
Students are expected to answer the questions at the end of the case study. Each submission must be relevant to the case with satisfactory answers for the questions at the end of the case study in order to receive 1% mark for submission. It should not be a re-writing of the case.
The nominated case note in week 9 out of five submissions will be marked between 0 – 5% using the following marking criteria:
Incomplete and/or wrong interpretation of the case data. No calculations if required. Little or no understanding of the topic or a mere description of the case. Missing/incorrect answers for the questions at the end of the case study.
2.6%-3.25% Mostly correct and complete answers for the questions at the end of the case study. Mostly correct calculations if required. Sound understanding of the topic. Reasonable ability to critically consider the project management topic focused in the relevant week.
3.26%-5% Clear logical analysis of the case data and correct answers for the questions at the end of the case study. Correct calculations if required. Sound understanding of the topic. Sound ability to critically consider the project management topic focused in the relevant week.


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