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Format MLA

Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Assignment type : Essay

Compose a 2-4 page paper that addresses the following:
•Based on the provided HR Information on the center and your review of this week’s learning resources, what steps would you take to conduct a needs analysis for designing and executing a training program to address the center’s identified issues?
•How would you evaluate the effectiveness of the training program once it is implemented?
•Also include a one paragraph job description for the Training & Development Coordinator position that is currently open.

Resources to use:

Burns, L. R., Bradley, E. H., & Weiner, B. J. (2012). Shortell & Kaluzny’s health care management: Organization design & behavior (6th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar-Cengage Learning. Chapter 3: “Organization Design and Coordination,” pp. 64-90

Funk, M. & Saraceno, B. (eds) (2005).The mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package: Human resources and training in mental health. Geneva, SW: Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization.

Kabene, S.M., Orchard, C. Howard, J.M., Soriano,M.A., & Leduc, R. (2006). The importance of human resources management in health care: a global context. Human Resource Health. 4- 20. doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-4-20

Raphael, M. (2010). Impact of recent economy changes on human resource management recruitment and selection practices. Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association, 556–558.

Schramm, J. (2012). Hiring drives staffing challenges. HR Magazine, 57(5), 80.

Thompson, P. (2016). Building a stronger behavioral health workforce for patients and communities. AHA News, 52(12), 5.

Zurn P., Dal Poz M.R., Stilwell B., & Adams, O. (2004). Imbalance in the health workforce. Human Resources for Health. 2-13. doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-2-13.



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