Week 1 Journal

Week 1 Journal
The most memorable day of my life would be when I had my son. I can remember this day
like it was yesterday. I woke up that morning preparing for my trip to the hospital. I packed all of
morning started off smoothly because I was being induced. I carried until I was 42 weeks and had
be induced due to the high risk of carrying over 42 weeks. After everything was packed and went
on our way.
My mom drove me there and we met with my son’s father as we proceeded to check in. We
checkedinand gotsettled. OnceIwasin bedmynurse cameinand said it wastimeformylast
Popeyes with a red bean and rice on the side. That was my pregnancy craving throughout my entire
pregnancy, so I had to have for the last time. A few hours had past and the nurse finally came back
to start the inducing process. This is where things get crazy.
I was induced contractions started and they began to give me medicine for pain. I was
asleep then BOOM!!!! Nurses an doctor filled the room saying we lost the baby’s heart beat and I
had to go into an emergency C-Section. I was so terrified I could not even process what was going
on. Then a miracle happened the baby heartbeat came back good and strong. They ask if I wanted
to continue with the C-section and I refused. They monitored me carefully through the night.
The morning had come, and it was still no baby. Around 10 a.m. that morning I was able to
pushed for 30 mins then my baby boy was born, 8lbs 0oz and 23 in long.
That day was full of emotions that was so hard to contain. I could never forget the day that
Ibecamea mother.It taughta differentkind alove alove thatcan’t bereplaced. That’s why this
day is most important to me