Topic: How Regulatory Focus Theory utilizes in the Mass Media Broadcasting system specifically 5 different countries like the US, England, China, Japan and South Korea
Pages: 25, Double spaced
Sources: 30
Order type: Dissertation Chapter – Literature Review
Subject: Communications and Media
Academic level: PhD
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Order Description
Prеferred language stуle: Englіsh (U.S.)
The writer needs tо write a lit review for the dissertation. The title of dissertation is “The Influence of the Self-Regulatory Focus on the Effectiveness of Media Based on Analysis of Perception of the Public on the Issues of North Korea”. The other writer is currently working on the expand version of dissertation proposal. Therefore, at this moment, I can only provide the shorter version of dissertation proposal.
The writer at first read entire shorter version of proposal before he or she starts to work on the dissertation. Then in this part, the writer only focuses on literature review out of several categories. The main framework theory is ” Regulatory Focus Theory”. There are a lot precendent studies under this theory. However, mostly it focuses advertise effects, product reviews, web shoppers’ regulatory focus, and so on. Please choose precedent studies that relates with the main topic, then please rephrase these studies. Also, please research other literatures as well. I am confused about choosing other framework embraces the main topic of dissertation. I think, the dissertation must contains some other rinkages between ‘Regulatory Focus Theory’ and “whatever Theory”
**Please remember that the most important work that writer needs to complete is finding relevent precedent studies with dissertation’s topic, and analyze it with writer’s own words”