Recently Completed: Topic: Thinking Styles, Negotiation and Conflict Management
Thinking Styles, Negotiation and Conflict Management
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Assessment Description
You will engage in a negotiation for the sale and purchase of a commercial asset such as a business or a piece of real estate.
You may be nominated to represent the vendor and will receive email instructions from the vendor company CEO including:
1. Appointment to represent the company as their agent for the sale of the commercial asset;
2. Specific details about the commercial asset;
3. Information about the status of current negotiations with an alternative potential purchaser;
4. Information about a new potential purchaser;
5. Contact details of the agent appointed to represent the purchaser.
Alternatively, you may be nominated to represent the purchaser and will receive email instructions from the purchaser company CEO including:
1. Appointment to represent the company as their agent for the purchase of the commercial asset;
2. Specific details about the commercial asset;
3. Information about alternative assets the company is considering purchasing instead;
4. Information about the vendor;
5. Contact details of the agent appointed to represent the vendor.
Stage 1: Pre-negotiation
You must answer the following questions:
1. What is your thinking style preference form – monarchic, hierarchic, oligarchic, anarchic – and
what is your thinking style level – internal, external?
Attach copies of completed Sternberg-Wagner Thinking Style Inventories.
2. Are your thinking style preferences – form and level – optimal for conducting this negotiation?
Explain why? (300 words) (5 references-3 from academic journal or textbooks)
3. What adjustments (if any) could you make to adapt to a more optimal thinking style for this
negotiation? (200 words) (If your preferred thinking style form and scope are already optimal for negotiation you could discuss the specific behaviours you will exhibit during the negotiation.)
4. What is your client’s BATNA? What is your client’s reservation value? (100 words)
The information includes: a) appointment to represent the company as their agent for the sale of the commercial asset
b) Specific details about the commercial asset
c) Information about the status of current negotiations with an alternative potential purchaser
d) Information about a new potential purchaser
e) contact details of the agent appointed to represent the purchaser.
5. What is the other party’s BATNA? What is the other party’s reservation value? (100 words)
Information includes: Appointment to represent the company as their agent for the purchase of the commercial asset
b) Specific details about the commercial asset
c) Information about alternative assets the company is considering purchasing instead
d) Information about the vendor
e) Contact details of the agent appointment to represent the vendor
6. What is the ZOPA range? What is your strategy for claiming the greater proportion of the
ZOPA? (100 words)
Stage 2: Negotiation
You must:
1. Enter negotiations with your counterpart for the sale and purchase of the commercial asset;
2. Maintain a communications log that captures the date, method, items discussed, and outcomes
of each communication. (a) Contact the student representing the other party and negotiate deal b). Maintain a communications log that captures the date, method, items discussed and outcomes of each communication. C), When you agree upon a price obtain this in writing from the other student and attach as an appendix.) Template available or you can make your own
Stage 3: Post negotiation
You must prepare a short report (1 page) to your client advising the outcome of the negotiation.(200 words). Template available or you can make your own
Pre-negotiation Thinking style analysis Fully considered personal thinking style preferences with accurate identification of optimal thinking style preferences supported by thoughtful explanation. Insightful and innovative adaptations to optimal thinking style preferences discussed.
BATNA & ZOPA analysis
Precise identification of both BATNAs, both reservation values, and ZOPA range. Innovative and effective strategy for claiming the greater proportion of the ZOPA clearly articulated
Negotiation Detailed communications log demonstrating effective implementation of strategy for claiming the greater proportion of the ZOPA together with highly adaptive behavior in response to negotiation process developments.
Post negotiation Clear and concise report indicating successful negotiation with over 90% of ZOPA claimed
Answer clearly and logically
Ideas & arguments are effectively structured. Thoughtful progression of ideas and details. Excellent transitions between paragraphs. Concluding comments leave the reader thinking. Major arguments are effectively woven throughout everybody paragraph, with ideas always related back to main arguments.
Appropriate theory and
research used to answer
question posed
Fully considered all the relevant issues and made significant observations made from appropriate theory and research. Excellent writing and expression of arguments.
Correct academic writing style used, including correct
spelling, grammar and
Sentence variety is effective and sophisticated. Tone is appropriate and consistent. Diction/ vocabulary is sophisticated and effective. Language is academic. Writing is clear, concise, and strong.
In-text referencing and
reference list follows Harvard style Excellent/appropriate referencing, 100% in-line with requirements of Harvard style
Report letter template
[Your Name]
Email: [Your email address]
By email: [Client email address]
[Client Name]
Chief Executive Officer
[Client Organisation Name]
Dear [Client Name],
Thank you for your instructions.
I wish to confirm that [Details of outcome of the negotiation].
[Details of how the outcome was reached].
Yours sincerely,
[Your name]
Log Template
Date Communication Method Items Discussed Outcome Notes