Topic: Liverpool chaos 3000 data

Topic: Liverpool chaos 3000 data

Pages: 8, Double spaced
Sources: 24

Order type: Research Paper

Style: Harvard
Language: English (U.K.)

Supplement requirement

1. Analyze the entry strategies adopted by LV in two markets china and brazil based on CAGE framework.
2. Use data as much as possible, at least 7-8 tables, chart, bar…. You can find the annual report, news from LV, if have no existing data you can draw the data by yourself. Please, findings must have much more data.
3. About structure:
1. Introduction: ?
Provide a summary of the chapter structure. (1-2 sentences, simpley)

2. Analysis of the Secondary Data
Here you need to explain how you are going to analyse the data you have collected.
Explain what information the data offer you and how you will use them in your analysis.

Use tables showing the data and the resources.

3. Findings
Here you need to point out how you use the theory to interpret the data you collected so you allow for consistency among your findings.

Tabulate your results for easy validation on consistency and reliability.

Use theories to support the findings; contrast and compare with what we know. What is new? This is something you need to particularly illustrate

4.Analysis and findings
4.1 Challenges in entering the two markets: eg China vs Brazil
4.2 entry market strategies in entering the two markets: china Brazil and how successful etc.
4.3 Discuss about the two approaches and findings

4. Don’t forget two markets china and Brazil. Contrast and analysis.
5. About whether it is enter these two markets successful, until now how many LV stores are there in these two countries? Their sales profit, market share…please answer them clearly.
6 The second part you need to explain which method you adopted to analyse the secondary data.