Paper format
4 double spaced
8 sources
Paper details
Topic:Government business relationship
A selection of news media articles will be provided via Moodle. Students are to choose one (1) news media article from the articles provided. Students are to write in full prose and answer the following questions for their chosen article, in approximately 300 words per answer: 1) What is the article about? What is it overtly/covertly suggesting? 2) Who is it written by/for? (Why might this be significant?) 4) What are some of the underlying assumptions, values, and ideologies found in the article? 5) What concepts does this article demonstrate? Students are to conduct an analysis of the news media article using their own research and the concepts from the unit. At least one (1) academic reference (so five [5] in total) should be used in answering the questions. The same reference should not be used for for more than one (1) answer. The short answer questions are to be written in scholarly prose (as taught in class – see the Anderson & Poole chapter in Week 1) and bullet points are not to be used. In-text referencing and a short reference list is to be included as part of each answer. Note that one (1) reference is the bare minimum, and may not be sufficient for achieving higher than a pass grade in that particular criterion. Students are to use the Harvard referencing style. Page numbers are required for in-text references. If you cannot find the year of publication, the reference is more than likely not acceptable for your university studies. Details are provided on the UC Library website here: The news media analysis is to be 300 words per answer with a tolerance of +/- 10% (so 1,200 words overall +/-10%). The task is not to simply summarise the article, but to analyse the article using the concepts taught in this unit. The answers to the questions are to contain a clear argument and the analysis is to be supported by evidence. URKUND is enabled for all assessment items for this unit. The assignment must be submitted via Moodle on time. Late penalties will apply and extensions will only be considered when the extension form is signed and submitted well before the due date and with supporting documentation. all of question based on “The Guardian Tesla to build world’s biggest lithium ion battery in South Australia:”
Below is the attachment
All of 4 questions based on this one because I choose this article. When you look under, you can look essay question, and this essay information. Plz try to do best. Plz write answer each question. And can open the this link. Don’t need to write introduction or conclusion because there are short answers.
The Guardian:
Tesla to build world’s biggest lithium ion battery in South Australia:”
o Choose one (1) of the articles in the link below. Read, watch, or listen to the article, then answer each of the questions 1 to 5 below. Enter your text directly into Moodle. It is a good idea to edit your work in MS Word before you copy and paste it to Moodle. This will allow you to spell check your work and conduct a word count. Please note the number of words is limited to 330. You are required to answer each question in 300 words, plus or minus 10%, so between 270 and 330 words per answer. This is the total word count for each answer, which includes the references. You will need to click the submit button and make the declaration before your work can be marked. You must do this before the deadline or late penalties will apply.
• A selection of news media articles will be provided via Moodle. Students are to choose one (1) news media article from the articles provided. Students are to write in full prose and answer the following questions for their chosen article, in approximately 300 words per answer:
1) What is the article about? What is it overtly/covertly suggesting?
2) Who is it written by/for? (Why might this be significant?)
3) What are some of the underlying assumptions, values, and ideologies found in the article?
4) What concepts does this article demonstrate?
Students are to conduct an analysis of the news media article using their own research and the concepts from the unit. At least one (1) academic reference (so five [5] in total) should be used in answering the questions. The same reference should not be used for for more than one (1) answer. The short answer questions are to be written in scholarly prose (as taught in class – see the Anderson & Poole chapter in Week 1) and bullet points are not to be used. In-text referencing and a short reference list is to be included as part of each answer. Note that one (1) reference is the bare minimum, and may not be sufficient for achieving higher than a pass grade in that particular criterion. Students are to use the Harvard referencing style. Page numbers are required for in-text references. If you cannot find the year of publication, the reference is more than likely not acceptable for your university studies. Details are provided on the UC Library website here:
The news media analysis is to be 300 words per answer with a tolerance of +/- 10% (so 1,200 words overall +/-10%). The task is not to simply summarise the article, but to analyse the article using the concepts taught in this unit. The answers to the questions are to contain a clear argument and the analysis is to be supported by evidence. URKUND is enabled for all assessment items for this unit. The assignment must be submitted via Moodle on time. Late penalties will apply and extensions will only be considered when the extension form is signed and submitted well before the due date and with supporting documentation.
What is an academic reference? If you are not using journal articles as references, then your work is far below the expected standard. If you are unsure of how to access journal articles, please seek assistance. High quality, academic sources (references) are listed below in order of quality from highest to lowest:
1. Academic journal articles;
2. Academic books, including edited books;
3. Reports from international institutions such as the OECD and World Bank;
4. News media articles;
5. Government websites; and
6. Websites from businesses, industry groups, consumer groups or professional bodies
Students must submit their answers via Moodle in the space provided. No other submission means will be accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to back-up their work. It is strongly recommended that students complete their work in a word processor such as Microsoft Word and then paste the answer into Moodle. This will help in keeping a back-up of your work but also for spell checking and general readability.
Write in the third person: Students must write in the third person for this assignment. For example, rather than writing ‘In this paper, I will discuss…’, write: ‘This paper will discuss…’. Writing in the third person is a formal writing skill which you must practise while undertaking this unit. If you do not write in the third person for this assignment your work may be heavily penalised.
Assessment criteria and additional information: This section is to be read in conjunction with section 6h: Additional Information. Assessment criteria includes the information provided in this unit outline, information provided in lectures, tutorials and/or online discussions, and the additional information provided in this section. Failure to read this unit outline or to attend classes (or, where relevant, participate online) does not constitute grounds for special consideration or review of results.