Topic: Grit

Topic: Grit
Pages: 10, Double spaced
Sources: 10

Order type: Statistics Project
Subject: Psychology

Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)

Order Description

Need to develop a brief (8-10 item), psychometrically sound measure of Grit from an existing database with a 12 item measure.

This data was collected through an on-line personality test and drawn from raw data available from that test ( The database is an extract that includes participants aged 18+ from Australia only.

At the end of the personality test, users were asked if their answers were accurate and if they would be willing to complete an additional survey. At the end of the additional survey users were asked if their answers were accurate and their data could be used for research. This dataset consists exclusively of participants who consented yes at both parts.

This data was collected over several pages, the time on each page was recorded:
introelapse the time spent on the introduction page to the big five personality test, that had an introduction to the big five and a policies statement.
testelapse the time spend on the body of the big five personality test
surveyelapse the time in seconds spent on the supplemental survey

Some other values were calculated from technical information:
country ISO country code
operatingsystem The operating system of the user’s computer, determined from HTTP user agent
browser The browser the user is using, determined from HTTP user agent
screenw The width of the user’s screen in pixels, from javascript
screenh The height of the user’s screen in pixels, from javascript

The personality test was the 50-item international personality item pool (IPIP, Goldberg 1999) representation of the Goldberg (1992) markers for the big five scales. See for further information and reverse-scored items.

The following items were rated on a five point scale where 1=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 5=Agree (0=missed). All were presented on one page in the order E1, N2, A1, C1, O1, E2……

E1 I am the life of the party.
E2 I don’t talk a lot.
E3 I feel comfortable around people.
E4 I keep in the background.
E5 I start conversations.
E6 I have little to say.
E7 I talk to a lot of different people at parties.
E8 I don’t like to draw attention to myself.
E9 I don’t mind being the center of attention.
E10 I am quiet around strangers.
N1 I get stressed out easily.
N2 I am relaxed most of the time.
N3 I worry about things.
N4 I seldom feel blue.
N5 I am easily disturbed.
N6 I get upset easily.
N7 I change my mood a lot.
N8 I have frequent mood swings.
N9 I get irritated easily.
N10 I often feel blue.
A1 I feel little concern for others.
A2 I am interested in people.
A3 I insult people.
A4 I sympathize with others’ feelings.
A5 I am not interested in other people’s problems.
A6 I have a soft heart.
A7 I am not really interested in others.
A8 I take time out for others.
A9 I feel others’ emotions.
A10 I make people feel at ease.
C1 I am always prepared.
C2 I leave my belongings around.
C3 I pay attention to details.
C4 I make a mess of things.
C5 I get chores done right away.
C6 I often forget to put things back in their proper place.
C7 I like order.
C8 I shirk my duties.
C9 I follow a schedule.
C10 I am exacting in my work.
O1 I have a rich vocabulary.
O2 I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.
O3 I have a vivid imagination.
O4 I am not interested in abstract ideas.
O5 I have excellent ideas.
O6 I do not have a good imagination.
O7 I am quick to understand things.
O8 I use difficult words.
O9 I spend time reflecting on things.
O10 I am full of ideas.

Then came the 12-item GRIT Scale by Duckworth et al., (2007).
The following items were rated on a five point scale where 5=Very much like me, 4=Mostly like me, 3=Somewhat like me, 2=Not much like me, 1=Not like me at all.
The item text is abbreviated here, see for full items (including reverse scoring).
GS1 I have…
GS2 New ideas…
GS3 My interests…
GS4 Setbacks don’t…
GS5 I have been…
GS6 I am…
GS7 I often…
GS8 I have…
GS9 I finish…
GS10 I have…
GS11 I become…
GS12 I am…

The following items were presented as a check-list and subjects were instructed “In the grid below, check all the words whose definitions you are sure you know”:
VCL1 boat
VCL2 incoherent
VCL3 pallid
VCL4 robot
VCL5 audible
VCL6 cuivocal
VCL7 paucity
VCL8 epistemology
VCL9 florted
VCL10 decide
VCL11 pastiche
VCL12 verdid
VCL13 abysmal
VCL14 lucid
VCL15 betray
VCL16 funny

A value of 1 is checked, 0 means unchecked. The words at VCL6, VCL9, and VCL12 are not real words and can be used as a validity check.

Demographic questions were then asked:

education “How much education have you completed?” 1=Less than high school, 2=High school, 3=University degree, 4=Graduate degree
urban “What type of area did you live in when you were a child?” 1=Rural (country side), 2=Suburban, 3=Urban (town, city)
gender “What is your gender?” 1=Male, 2=Female, 3=Other
engnat “Is English your native language?” 1=Yes, 2=No
age “How many years old are you?”
hand “What hand do you use to write with?” 1=Right, 2=Left, 3=Both
religion “What is your religion?” 1=Agnostic, 2=Atheist, 3=Buddhist, 4=Christian (Catholic), 5=Christian (Mormon), 6=Christian (Protestant), 7=Christian (Other), 8=Hindu, 9=Jewish, 10=Muslim, 11=Sikh, 12=Other
orientation “What is your sexual orientation?” 1=Heterosexual, 2=Bisexual, 3=Homosexual, 4=Asexual, 5=Other
race “What is your race?” 1=Asian, 2=Arab, 3=Black, 4=Indigenous Australian, Native American or White, 5=Other
voted “Have you voted in a national election in the past year?” 1=Yes, 2=No
married “What is your marital status?” 1=Never married, 2=Currently married, 3=Previously married
familysize “Including you, how many children did your mother have?”

NOTE: for the variable race, an error in the programming of the survey left Indigenous Australian, Native American and White responses all registering as the same value.

Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and
passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 1087-1101. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.92.6.1087
Goldberg, L. R. (1992). The development of markers for the Big-Five factor structure. Psychological
Assessment, 4, 26-42. doi:10.1037/1040-3590.4.1.26
Goldberg, L. R. (1999). A broad-bandwidth, public domain, personality inventory measuring the
lower-level facets of several five-factor models. In I. Mervielde, I. Deary, F. De Fruyt, & F. Ostendorf (Eds.), Personality Psychology in Europe, Vol. 7 (pp. 7-28). Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.