The NRSG 355 module Portfolio aims to assist students prepare for their graduate practice

Topic: The NRSG 355 module Portfolio aims to assist students prepare for their graduate practice. It will serve as a guide in collecting and preparing professional documentation including artefacts (items / evidence) collected throughout this semester.

Pages: 7, Double spaced
Sources: 16

Order type: Coursework
Subject: Nursing
Academic level: Undergraduate
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)

Order Description

I have attached following documents.
1. Format – Word file which contains how to write the module port folio. It also contains one link of audio file.
2. NRSG355 Module -1
3. NRSG 355 Module 2 – Collaborative and Therapeutic Practice
4. NRSG 355 Module 3 – Provision and Coordination of Care
5. NRSG 355 Module 4 – Professional Practice
6. Reference Portfolio: This word file is of one student module port folio. It is for your reference.please don’t copy it’s just for example.

Also, I have attached some useful articles as well.