Topic: the development and implementation of vaccine strategies needed to achieve the global eradication of HIV/AIDS.

Topic: the development and implementation of vaccine strategies needed to achieve the global eradication of HIV/AIDS.
Pages: 3, Double spaced
Sources: 5

Order type: Essay
Subject: Biology

Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)

Order Description

Write a short essay describing the development and implementation of vaccine strategies needed to achieve
the global eradication of HIV/AIDS.
You should cover:
1. the history of potential vaccines
2. the relevant immunology
3. safety and efficacy
4. political considerations and delivery worldwide
The essay will be submitted via turnitin so plagiarism will be detected.
There is an absolute word limit of 800 words. We recommend that you write a slightly longer essay and then
compress your sentences to create a document that is precise and concise.
The reference should be referenced from reputable sources using a concise and consistent style. The
reference list will not be screened for plagiarism or included in the word count.