Topic: NON GYNAE – Breast FNA Cytopathology

Topic: NON GYNAE – Breast FNA Cytopathology

Pages: 5, Double spaced
Sources: 10

Order type: Essay
Subject: Medicine and Health

Style: Vancouver
Language: English (U.S.)

Order Description

Before you start, please
1-please read
2-Do  not write anything generally write about the ancillary test for the malignant breast.
Please follow up the guideline and read the instruction file that I will upload. This essay is for Cytopathology and I need from you to cover all ancillary test that helps in diagnosis the sample in NON GYNAE – breast FNA Cytopathology in malignant cases. The ancillary testing is 1-Veterinary Cytology 2-Histochemical stains 3-Immunocytochemical staining. 4-EM 5-Flow cytometry 6-Molecular Biology techniques 7-Cytogenetics please read the guideline carefully if anything not clear sends email for me. Please give this assignment high priority because of it important for me. I choose this writer because my I am happy with him /her he understands what I want, please do not disappoint me ok. I will upload 3 files read before the start to write and read the guideline and rubric carefully to write very well and achieve the aim from the essay . All references must be new and Vancouver style. Write abstract not more than 100 words.The most important thing please discuss the ancillary test that helps in breast malignant. Do not write generally and please mention the new study that helps to diagnosis ductal carcinoma and the new treatment.
3- Discuss the new research for treatment the ductal carcinoma and mention the best way and explain why?
Research on New Treatment for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
1 PARP (poly ADP-ribose polymerase) inhibitors
2-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) inhibitors
3-EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor)-targeted therapies