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Personal Experience Essay part 2
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Discipline Psychology
Assignment type : Essay
Personal Experience Essay
Assignment Overview
For this multi­part essay, you will select a topic and write about a personal adult experience
through a psychological lens. This assignment is not intended for self-diagnosis, but rather to
help connect psychological concepts and theories to a self-identified experience in your past.
This assignment will give you an opportunity to select an appropriate topic, identify and explain
issues, connect relevant experience to academic knowledge, transfer previous learning, and use
appropriate written syntax, proper mechanics, and APA formatting (where indicated).
Assignment Requirements
The Personal Experience Essay is comprised of 5 parts, each with a separate deadline (refer to
the course calendar for specific dates). Each part will build upon the previous submission and
you will receive feedback from your instructor on how you may improve your work in the next
iteration. Your fifth submission will apply your research to your experience and will also provide
you with the opportunity to incorporate feedback from your instructor as you submit a
compilation of your best work as your final Personal Experience Essay.
Part 1: Introduction
1. Select a topic and three key concepts, from the provided list, that is reflective of a major
event in your life experience. While you may choose a topic and three key concepts that
are not on the list, please first obtain permission from your instructor.
2. Identify your life experience, state the topic under which your experience falls, and state
how the three key concepts relate to your life event.
3. Please include how culture/diversity relate to your topic.
4. Research and identify 5 scholarly sources relevant to your topic and three key concepts.
5. Submit your assignment for grading and feedback from your instructor.
6. When you receive feedback from your instructor, make all of the suggested revisions to
your initial submission.
Part 2: Experience
1. Describe (in a narrative voice), how you experienced each of the three key concepts.
a. What did you do?
b. What actions took place?
2. Submit your assignment for grading and feedback from your instructor.
3. When you receive feedback from your instructor, make all of the suggested revisions to
your initial submission.
Part 3: Reflection
1. Analyze and describe the effects of what you did, filtered through your three key
concepts. This is not a continuation of your experience, but a distinctly different
explanation of the following:
a. What did you observe?
b. How would you compare this situation to similar situations?
c. What patterns or relationships emerged?
2. Submit your assignment for grading and feedback from your instructor.
3. When you receive feedback from your instructor, make all of the suggested revisions to
your initial submission.
Part 4: Connecting Research
1. Discuss 5 scholarly sources and explain how these sources make connections with your
self-identified experience.
a. You may use the 5 which you originally cited for Part 1, but you may also
substitute others.
b. Be sure to use in-text APA citation and include all of your sources in the
references list at the end of your paper, following proper APA style.
2. Submit your assignment for grading and feedback from your instructor.
3. When you receive feedback from your instructor, make all of the suggested revisions to
your initial submission.
Part 5: Application and Final Submission of All Parts
1. Take what you have learned in the previous four sections of the assignment and apply
what you learned from this point forward.
a. In what ways will what you have learned inform future choices?
b. In what ways has what you learned changed the way in which you will now
perceive similar situations?
c. In what ways could you apply what you have learned to new situations?
2. Include a revised reference list at the conclusion of your essay.
3. Submit the revised parts (I, 2, 3, and 4) of your essay along with Part 5.
• APA formatted
• Minimum of 5 scholarly sources
• Length requirements:
o Part 1: Minimum of one-half page (150-200 words)
o Parts 2-5: Minimum of 2 pages
• Part 1, 2, 3, and 5 written in a first-person point of view, since they represent your
personal experience.
• Part 4 written in a third-person point of view since it expresses the application of the
personal experience and reflection.
Personal Experience Essay
Topic Choices and Key Concepts
For your Personal Experience Essay, you will select ONE of the following topics. Under your
selected topic, you will notice 3 key psychological concepts. As you begin to research and
identify your 5 scholarly sources, your topic choice and key concepts will guide you through this
• Topic: Living with an Alcoholic
o Key Concepts: Codependency, Self-esteem, The Importance of a Support
o This topic requires caution simply because if you’re writing about living with
an alcoholic, it is extremely important that you stay focused on your personal
experience. Whenever you are talking about an experience related to living
with someone who is facing certain challenges, it can be difficult to avoid
telling their story rather than focusing on your involvement. So, in this
instance, instead of writing about how you helped them establish selfesteem,
you would write about how your self-esteem was impacted, or,
perhaps, how your personal support network became important through the
• Topic: Coping with Loss
o Key Concepts: Denial, Anger, Acceptance
o You might recognize that these are three of the five stages of grief that are
commonly referred to in Death and Dying literature. Here we would
encourage you to choose the three concepts that are most relevant for your
personal experience. You might say, “I never dealt with Anger, but I did deal
with Depression,” and so you would choose to include Depression instead of
Anger. It really doesn’t matter as long as your choice of concepts correlate
directly to your personal, adult experience.
• Topic: Coping with Depression
o Key Concepts: Self-Esteem, Avoidance of Negativity, Anger Management
• Topic: Coping with Bullying in the Workplace
o Key Concepts: Identifying Bullying Behavior, Effective Communication,
Increased Self-Esteem
• Topic: Coping with Anxiety
o Key Concepts: Coping Strategies, Crisis Recognition, Effective Recovery
• Topic: Divorce
o Key Concepts: Self-Esteem, Stress Management, Proper Support
• Topic: Returning to School as an Adult
o Key Concepts: Coping with Stress, Motivation, Socio-cultural Adjustment
• Topic: Working with Students with Learning Disabilities
o Key Concepts: Teaching Strategies, Behavior Modification, Environment
• Topic: Coping with Anger
o Key Concepts: Recognizing Causes, Recognizing Physical/Emotional
Reactions, Recovery Strategies
• Topic: Overcoming an Addition
o Key Concepts: Recognizing Causes, Developing a Plan, Effective Support
• Topic: Parenting
o Key Concepts: Effective Communication, Effective Discipline,
Spiritual/Moral Development
• Topic: Marriage
o Key Concepts: Effective Communication, Gender Roles, Problem Solving
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Description Details
Discipline English Language
Assignment type : Essay
Argumentative Essay Overview
Assignment Overview
The ability to research a topic and develop a compelling argument on that topic is an essential skill for a developing writer and academic.
Assignment Instructions
Choose a topic related to issues within the workplace that interests you.
Sample topics could include a federal movement to mandate family leave for new parents, or new attempts to automate processes in the workplace through robots or other artificial intelligence forms.
Research your topic thoroughly within multiple sources.
Aim to find 4 sources of information total, with 2 of those coming from academic, peer-reviewed journals or texts.
The sources should have a direct relationship and relevancy to the topic.
When you feel like you have a grasp of the issues and positions on your topic, write an essay outlining the topic.
Focusing on the research and commentary contained within the sources.
Take a position on the topic, and support your position with explanations based on the research and your own experiences or expertise.
The type of appeal you choose will be based on your perceptions of the audience and purpose of this paper.
Be sure to include a comprehensive introduction and conclusion for your paper.
Assignment Requirements
5-6 pages
Cite resources
APA style formatting (include title page and reference page)
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In responding to the questions in the discussions and on the essay, you may want to use resources in addition to your textbook. This is encouraged, as it allows you to explore areas of interest in more detail. I do caution you, however, to be aware of any biases that some authors might have in dealing with the subject matter. Remember that Wikipedia is not an acceptable resource, as it is not refereed, and therefore not reliable. I recommend the sources found in the databases available through the Columbia College library. Be sure to document your sources properly using MLA format
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