sample term papers

How does Social media impact our life positively and negatively?
Description Details
Discipline Sociology
Assignment type : Research Proposal
The research paper is a term paper in which the student chooses a sociologically relevant topic to analyze. At least three peer-reviewed journal articles are required; only 1 non peer-reviewed resource is acceptable. Within the research paper, use at least one sociological perspective as the theoretical framework. The paper must be written well, cogent and sociologically relevant. The total length is 6-7 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Arial size 12-font. Included sections are the cover page, abstract, literature review, analysis using a sociological perspective, conclusion and works cited. The student must also submit their proposed research question and the motivation by Sept 20; the resources are due by Nov 1. I will accept a final hardcopy and electronic draft as .pdf by Dec 13. Late submissions for the research question and peer-reviewed journal articles may receive point deductions. Missing a hard or electronic copy may result in a 20% overall deduction. I may check for plagiarism; no late research papers are accepted.
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
What are key values of Hong Kong culture? Whcih of these do you embrace? Reject? Please state your reasons
Description Details
Discipline Sociology
Assignment type : Term paper
American Journal of Sociology (HMl.A43e)
Annual Review of Sociology(HM1.A56e)
British Journal of Sociology (HMl.B74e)
South East Asian Journal of Sociology (HM661.S59e)
Need to be the resources and reference in the term paper
Format MLA
Academic Level: High School
Volume of 2000 – 2300 pages (8 pages)
Prisoners Rights
Description Details
Discipline Criminology
Assignment type : Term paper
1500-2500 word 3-5 pages research term paper. Cite a minimum of 5 outside academic resources in the paper. Open-content sources(wikipedia, Encarta, newspaper articles cannot be used in place of academic resources, but may be used in addition to the five count minimum.
-Cover Sheet
-Introduction to the issue
-what you discovered researching the issue
-your personal opinion(which is that prisoners have to many rights)
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 1750 – 2500 pages (8 pages)
What was Canada’s role in the air war between 1939-1945?
Description Details
Discipline History
Assignment type : Essay
1500 words . minimum of 6 sources . ( 2 must be books, 2 must be journal articles , other 2 from other sources. 12 pt Times-New Roma Font ,double spaced ,paginated , 1 inch margins all sides. must contain end notes . bibliography in accordance with Kate Turabian’s:A Manual for Writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations . Must include title page
Format MLA
Academic Level: High School
Volume of 1500 – 1700 pages (6 pages)