Topic: Hypothesis Test and ANOVA
Pages: 1, Double spaced
Sources: 1
Order type: Coursework
Subject: Criminology
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Hypothesis Test and ANOVA
Excel file (See the attached)
Read Salkind, Chapters 10–12 carefully. As you read the textbook, you will find that the author describes steps and displays images of steps he has taken in Excel. When you come across such descriptions, please stop and do the steps he has described. In order to learn how to use Excel for this course, it is necessary to do the steps yourself and not just read about them.
Your goal for this lab is to accomplish the following:
• Learn how to run hypothesis tests for differences between two groups.
• Learn how to interpret results from a hypothesis test.
• Learn how to run ANOVA and interpret results.
• Complete and submit the lab.
Submit the following questions:
1. In the attached Excel data file, the tab labeled Question 1 contains data on the number of times boys and girls raise their hands in class.
a. What is the null hypothesis?
b. What is the research hypothesis?
c. What are the results of the hypothesis test? Interpret your findings.
2. Researchers would like to see if there is a difference in satisfaction levels in a group of families’ use of service centers following a social service intervention. The data for this study are on page 441 of the Salkind textbook (Appendix C, Chapter 12 Data Set 2) and are entered into the Excel tab labeled Question 2. Use the data and answer the following questions:
a. What is the null hypothesis?
b. What is the research hypothesis?
c. What are the results of the hypothesis test? Interpret your findings.
3. Researchers would like to examine if the amount of time a swimmer spends practicing is associated with differences in the time it takes to swim 100 yards. The tab labeled Question 3 contains data on the time (in seconds) taken to complete a 100-yard swim for three different groups of swimmers:
• Those who practice less than 15 hours a week
• Those who practice between 15 and 25 hours weekly
• Those who practice more than 25 hours
The researchers would like to know if there are any differences between the groups.
a. What is the null hypothesis?
b. What is the research hypothesis?
c. What test will you run and why?
d. What are the results of the hypothesis test? Interpret your findings.
Download the attached file. You will find three tabs with data specific to each exercise. Start with the first tab and work your way to the last.