Topic: Time Series Analysis of Taxi Customer-Searching Behavior in Hong Kong

Pages: 36, Double spaced
Sources: 1

Order type: Dissertation
Subject: Engineering

Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Order Description

Basіс Rеport structurе:
0. Abstract
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodologу
4. Results
5. Conclusions

Data Analysis:
1. Group the raw data as below for every 5mins
i) Occupancy of taxi in whole Hong Kong during normal week
ii) Occupancy of taxi in ‘Hong Kong Island’ region during normal week
iii) Occupancy of taxi⁤ in ‘Kowloon’ region during normal week
iv) Occupancy of taxi in ‘New Territories West’ region during normal week
v) Occupancy of taxi in ‘New Territories East’ region during normal week
vi) Proportion of taxi with engine on in whole Hong Kong during normal week
vii) Occupancy of taxi in whole Hong Kong during holiday⁤ week
viii) Proportion of taxi with engine on in whole Hong Kong during normal week

2. Use the program “R” (with add-on “forecast”, “Time series” and “Time date”) to build ARIMA model for above 8 scenarios.
Filename.ts=ts(Filename, frequency=24,⁣ start=c(1,1))
Filename.adjusted= Filename.ts – Filename.component$seasonal

3. Interpret all the 8 models built in “R”
Compare scenario vii with scenario i
Compare scenario viii with scenario vi