Asian Management Answers Materials for exam

Asian Management Answers Materials for exam

Assignment type : Case Study

you need  to answer questions with regards to the materials given unto you and relate it to the case study in each topic. I have 6 case studies that should be answered. Each case studies contains of 3 to 4 questions and you need to answer all of the case study questions. some hints will be provided to you from my lecturer for each question and you need to elaborate it further in the need to explain, describe, and analyse which is related to the case study. For example, the question was asking on cultural differences, you need to answer using Geert Hofstede 5 dimensions and explain what are the 5 dimensions and relate it to the case study. You are allowed to copy paste the theory you have found (but please use SIMPLE AND CLEAR ENGLISH so it is easy for me to understand and memorize it because sometimes the language In academic resources quite difficult to understand). You are allowed to copy paste because it is NOT ASSIGNMENT, therefore there is no need to write it in REPORT FORMAT, you are supposed to write it in ESSAY FORMAT. And please provide me with examples if possible and gives conclusion in the end of your explanation for each question and answers with a make sense theory and explanation for every questions. You are expected to answer NO LESS THAN ONE PAGE LONG. Still, you are allowed to provide In a bullet points however you need to elaborate it and describe the linking connection between them.

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