Assignment: Comprehensive Health Assessment SOAP

Assignment: Comprehensive Health Assessment SOAP

Format MLA

Volume of 5 pages (1375 words)
Assignment type : Coursework

Comprehensive Health Assessment SOAP Grading Rubric
Step 1: Forum Post and Submission for Grading Component: 135 Points
* Prepare for the assignment by reviewing course content and resources (readings, videos, SOAP example, websites, etc.).
* The Comprehensive SOAP is constructed by performing an interview (subjective) and a head-to-toe physical examination (objective) assessment of each system as indicated on the rubric while identifying symptoms (subjective) and signs (objective) to generate the problem list. Utilize evidence-based resources and
guidelines to determine differential diagnoses, working diagnosis (assessment), and plan of care (plan).
* You are required to disclose a patient problem as part of the chief complaint. A “patient”—adole sce nt or adult family member or friend—who has known health problems is the candidate to serve as your patient for this assignment (≥ 11 years old).
* Compose your Comprehensive SOAP in Word using an outline or bulle t format and include a Reference Page with evidence-based resources (no Title Page is needed). Convert the Comprehensive SOAP document to PDF format (name your file according to the file naming standard in the syllabus). Then submit your Comprehensive SOAP as an attachment to the course assignment tab for grading by faculty and to the forum for peer review.
* Once you submit the Comprehensive SOAP to the forum, you will have access to view classmates’ Comprehensive SOAP to complete peer review component.
Ste p 2: Peer Review Component: 15 Points
* Each student will cross post to the student who falls alphabetically after them on the class roster (located on the tab to the left of the course page). Students will utilize the grading rubric as a content guide, as well as the course content and resources (readings, videos, SOAP format example, websites, etc.) to provide a written peer review in the forum. Select “reply” to compose (or copy and paste) your peer review cross post into the forum. This peer review will provide constructive feedback to your classmate noting both positive elements and areas in need of improvement for the Comprehensive SOAP that you reviewed. Peer review must address scholarship: spelling, grammar, and format of the Comprehensive SOAP, as well as content based on the grading rubric provided for this assignment. Peer review feedback must include information about course
resources to substantiate the feedback provided for this assignment (see example below).
Example of peer review fee dback to assigned pe er:
S: Chief complaint does not sound like it is in patient’s own words (Bates’ p.9).
Allergies – forgot to include food and drug allergies, only discussed environmental (Bates’ p.10). Family history – did not include genogram (Rubric and Unit 3 red button “ASSIGNMENT – Comprehensive Health Assessment SOAP” instructions).
ROS – includes some objective data such as vital signs (Bates’ p.6-7 “Differences Between Subjective and Objective Data”; Bates p.11-13 ROS).
O: Good objective data in most systems; repeated some subjective data in thorax/lung system (Bates’ p.6-7 “Differences Between Subjective and Objective Data”).
A: Did not include differential diagnoses, only included working diagnosis (Bates’ p.27-28 “Steps for generating clinical hypothesis” – especially number 5; Bates’ p.46).
P: Good plan of care (Bates’ p.29).

** Plagiarism is an Honor Code violation and a form of academic dishonesty that is evident when work submitted is actually the work of another source. Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another in your writing without correctly identifying the source (American Psychological Association, 2010; University of South Alabama College of Nursing Honor Code Academic Integrity, 2017).
** Use own wording when documenting soap content.


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