International Marketing Through Internet and Social Media

International Marketing Through Internet and Social Media

Format Other

Volume of 59 pages (16225 words)
Assignment type : Other types



It is final MBA project with Harvard referencing rule.
Company name: Fashion brand River Island
Project name: International Marketing Through Internet and Social Media

The snapshot of the project is as follows:
For this project I should be looking at issues around international marketing, market selection and entry, marketing strategy changes in each country entered. Also, we should look at digital marketing strategies, and how each country uses the internet and social media. If River Island were going into China, for example, they would need to investigate which social media are allowed, and which ones the Chinese people use the most, likewise for any other country under consideration. I should also look at Digital Marketing 6th edition by Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, which is highly recommended. A really useful website is internet which will give lots of insight into what is happening, and what other companies might have to do to succeed. Further details will be passed on in due course.


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