Leadership book powerpoint

Leadership book powerpoint

Format MLA

Volume of 10 pages (2750 words)
Assignment type : PowerPoint Presentation

View the presentation: Creating a PowerPoint Presentation.pptx.
View the presentation: Citing and Referencing Presentations.pptx.
Choose a professional background design using the PowerPoint program that is part of Microsoft Office.
Create a presentation that is no more than 12 slides and includes the following:
Title slide: Title of Presentation, Your Name, Course Number/Name, Date
Content slides: These 10 slides will summarize five leadership principles you gained from your leadership book and comprehensively apply each principle to a specific situation in the healthcare environment in which a nurse leader could apply the identified principle.
Reference slide with the correct APA reference of your chosen leadership book
Creative and appropriate use of clip art or images is expected.
Use correct citations within the slide presentation.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using Dropbox 5.3 by the end of the workshop.


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