MA Educational Leadership & Management
The Dissertation
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What do I have to do?
To complete your MA degree, you are required to submit a written Dissertation which must not exceed 20,000 words, excluding references and appendices.
A dissertation tutor will be appointed to each of you.
Your first task will be to submit a dissertation proposal form to your tutor (available on line).
Please read carefully:
Handbook for Graduate Students:
Taught Masters Courses
Section on Dissertations
(available on website)
Any questions? – consult your tutor
To satisfy the requirements of the MA degree, in your Dissertation you will need to demonstrate your ability to:
Identify a problem or topic of suitable scale, scope and content (often the most difficult stage)
Review the academic literature relating to your topic, i.e. critique, analyse and synthesise the academic literature and link it to your study
Systematically carry out a research project
Analyse your research findings in relation to the academic and research literature
(‘comparative analysis’).
Present your work in an academically acceptable form
Scope and scale:
A ‘typical’ dissertation study might involve something like:
– a ‘mixed methods’ approach comprising:
one questionnaire survey of 30 – 50 respondents
plus 8 – 10 interviews OR
– 3 – 4 case studies, each comprising, e.g.:
4 – 6 interviews maybe plus Observations and/or Documentary analysis
* Remember the need to triangulate, i.e. it is normally necessary to use at least two different research methods
Scope and scale (cont’d):
. This is intended to give you a very rough idea. It is important to discuss the scope and scale of your research with your tutor via the proposal form BUT-
. Do not collect too much data to analyse properly
. Try to work within ONE main area of theory
(e.g. if you want to study ‘the effect of distributed leadership on school improvement”, you will need to decide whether your main focus is on distributed leadership or on school improvement)
Research Access
It is essential to consider gaining access for your research at the earliest possible time.
You will need to arrange and ensure access to:
– your research samples (people)
– any documentary evidence you will need
– any meetings, classes or other activities you want to observe
Group work:
Choosing a suitable topic
Sample Feedback from students
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Professor in management from UK. Completed professional MBA from the University of Warwick. Have pecialty in marketing management. Currently working as a professor and share marketing management knowledge with postgraduate and master program students. More than 998 technical tasks Completed
Alexander Own
professor in management
Pursuing MPhil in finance from the University of Leicester. Conducts research on corporate finance and work as a freelance writer to share my experience and learn more with the students. I write good assignments on corporate and international finance. More than 702 technical tasks Completed
Alexis Miller- MPhil in finance from the University of Leicester
An accounting professor. Completed my masters in accounting from the University of Hertfordshire. More than 5-year experience in this field. I like to teach managerial accounting and taxation and writing assignment in my spare time is my hobby. More than 884 technical tasks Completed
Hellen Wirth
An accounting professor
My expertise is in programming and information system. I am a Ph.D. in computer science from the Plymouth University UK. I am a professor and like to teach students and doing research on many aspects of computer science. I also work as a freelancer. More than 1102 technical tasks Completed
Richard Jamal
Ph.D. in computer science from the Plymouth University UK
I am Ph.D. in information technology from Aston University UK. I am doing research on UML diagrams. I am a teacher as well and have a knack for teaching Information technology and Python programming. I work as a part-time assignment writer. More than 798 tasks Completed
James Austin
Ph.D. in information technology from Aston University UK
I completed my Master in economics from the University of Hertfordshire. I am experienced and have knowledge of microeconomics and macroeconomics. I keep myself updated with the latest of the economics and like to share my knowledge with the students.
Megan Clerk
Master in economics from the University of Hertfordshire
I've done my masters in Nursing from Kingston University UK. I work as a teacher in Nursing and work as an assignment writer as well. Teaching my students and writing assignments for the students helps me to improve my knowledge. More than 760 complex tasks Completed
Simmons Rocco
Masters in Nursing from Kingston University UK
I completed my master in Biology from the University of Portsmouth. I am professor now and have enough experience. I have also assisted some Ph.D. students in their research. Assignment writing is my expertise as well, and I take up assignment writing. More than 597 technical tasks Completed
Sarah Leon
Master in Biology from the University of Portsmouth
I have done my masters in psychology from Nottingham Trent University. I teach psychology and many humanities-related subjects. I have decent knowledge of academic writing as well, and I like to write assignment especially on psychology. More than 1129 Technical tasks completed.
Henry Hawkins
Masters in psychology from Nottingham Trent University
I am a finance expert. I have done my masters in financing from Aston University. I am working as a professor and have much knowledge of topics like financial management and corporate finance. I assist students in writing their assignment, and I am a freelancer.
Norris jake
Finance expert