Ages Stages questionnaire (ASQ) home visit reflection and report FOR 6 months old girl

Ages Stages questionnaire (ASQ) home visit reflection and report FOR 6 months old girl

Format APA

Volume of 3 pages (825 words)
Assignment type : Essay


The observation can take place during daily activities including at home or other locations, whatever is convenient for the parent. During your observation of the parent-child interaction, pay attention to the infant’s potent and subtle engagement and disengagement cues and the parents’ response to the cues (accuracy, promptness). Also, pay attention to activation of the child’s attachment system, secure base behavior, the child’s use of the parent as a safe haven, and any sign of fear along with the parent’s response.
Score and review the Ages and Stages with the parent and take it with you – don’t leave it with the parent/s. Provide the parents with a blank copy. Immediately after your observation, write a process record of your visit that describes the dyadic behavior, responsiveness to cues and attachment. This paper is limited to 3 pages, double-spaced and includes Observation, Summary of Cues, Summary of ASQ screening, and reflection on your own skills, experience, and areas for further work/experience.
If the parent asks if his/her baby is normal or wants a professional interpretation of the ASQ, you need to refer to a licensed or certified provider. You can only respond that the exercise is a learning experience and not meant to be diagnostic.


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