Sample draft reference list:

Sample draft reference list:

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  1. Keith, Timothy Z. “Parent involvement and achievement in high school.” (1991).
  2. Brian, Donna JG. “Parental Involvement in High Schools.” (1994).
  3. Christenson, Sandra L., Theresa Rounds, and Deborah Gorney. “Family factors and student achievement: An avenue to increase students’ success.”School Psychology Quarterly3 (1992): 178.
  4. Epstein, Joyce L. “Effects on student achievement of teachers’ practices of parent involvement.”Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association., 1984. Elsevier Science/JAI Press, 1991.
  5. Hill, Nancy E., and Lorraine C. Taylor. “Parental school involvement and children’s academic achievement pragmatics and issues.”Current directions in psychological science 4 (2004): 161-164.
  6. Fehrmann, Paul G., Timothy Z. Keith, and Thomas M. Reimers. “Home influence on school learning: Direct and indirect effects of parental involvement on high school grades.”The Journal of Educational Research6 (1987): 330-337.
  7. Stevenson, David L., and David P. Baker. “The family-school relation and the child’s school performance.”Child development (1987): 1348-1357.
  8. Wood, Mark D., et al. “Do parents still matter? Parent and peer influences on alcohol involvement among recent high school graduates.”Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 1 (2004): 19.
  9. Keith, Timothy Z., et al. “Parental involvement, homework, and TV time: Direct and indirect effects on high school achievement.”Journal of Educational Psychology 5 (1986): 373.
  10. Mau, Wei‐ “Parental influences on the high school students’ academic achievement: A comparison of Asian immigrants, Asian Americans, and White Americans.”Psychology in the Schools 34.3 (1997): 267-277.
  11. Christenson, Sandra L., Theresa Rounds, and Deborah Gorney. “Family factors and student achievement: An avenue to increase students’ success.”School Psychology Quarterly3 (1992): 178.
  12. Fan, Xitao, and Michael Chen. “Parental involvement and students’ academic achievement: A meta-analysis.”Educational psychology review1 (2001): 1-22.
  13. Fan, Xitao. “Parental involvement and students’ academic achievement: A growth modeling analysis.”The Journal of Experimental Education 1 (2001): 27-61.
  14. McNeal, Ralph B. “Parental involvement as social capital: Differential effectiveness on science achievement, truancy, and dropping out.”Social forces 1 (1999): 117-144.
  15. Jeynes, William H. “A meta-analysis of the relation of parental involvement to urban elementary school student academic achievement.”Urban education 3 (2005): 237-269.
  16. Hoover-Dempsey, Kathleen, and Howard Sander. “Parental involvement in children’s education: Why does it make a difference.”The Teachers College Record 2 (1995): 310-331.
  17. Hoover-Dempsey, Kathleen V., and Howard M. Sandler. “Why do parents become involved in their children’s education?.”Review of educational research 1 (1997): 3-42.
  18. Sui-Chu, Esther Ho, and J. Douglas Willms. “Effects of parental involvement on eighth-grade achievement.”Sociology of education (1996): 126-141.
  19. Henderson, Anne T., and Karen L. Mapp. “A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement. Annual Synthesis 2002.”National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools (2002).
  20. Grolnick, Wendy S., and Maria L. Slowiaczek. “Parents’ involvement in children’s schooling: A multidimensional conceptualization and motivational model.”Child development 1 (1994): 237-252.
  21. Singh, Kusum, et al. “The effects of four components of parental involvement on eighth-grade student achievement: Structural analysis of NELS-88 data.”School psychology review (1995).



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