Individual Experience Paper about Organizational TheoryIndividual

Individual Experience Paper about Organizational Theory

Format MLA
Volume of 3 pages (825 words)Assignment type : Article  DescriptionRequirement: Maximum 3 pages, single-spaced, plus up to 2 pages of appendices. Analyzing an organization that you have (ideally personal) experience with (could be work, school, volunteer, sports, ect.). The purpose of this assignment is to learn to apply theory to actual organizations and situations experienced by the student, i.e., to explore the real-world application of organizational theory. The papaer needs to include 1) a description of your chosen organization, 2) your role or connection with the organization, 3) an assessment of how and why the chosen theories and concepts fit and apply, and 4) how the concepts, or theory(ies) can help explain how your organization functions, including what works well and not so well.Individual Experience Paper
Individual experience papers (maximum 3 pages single-spaced, plus up to 2 pages of appendices)
Analyzing an organization that you have (ideally personal) experience with (could be work, school, volunteer, sports, etc.) The purpose of this assignment is to learn to apply theory to actual organizations and situations experienced by the student. The paper needs to include
a) A description of your chosen organization
b) Your role or connection with the organization.
c) Describe the mission of the organization. The mission describes the organization’s vision, its shared values, and its reason for being. The mission is sometime called the official goals, which refers to the formally stated definition of business scope and outcome the organization is trying to achieve.
d) Describe the operative goals. Operative goals designate the end sought through the actual operating procedures of the organization and explain what the organization is trying to do. Operative goals include overall performance goals, resources goals, market goals, Innovation goals, and productivity goals. Overall performance goals: profitability reflect the overall performance of for-profit organization. Profitability may be expressed in term of net income earning per share, or return on investment. Other overall performance goals are growth and output volume.Resources goals pertain in the acquisition of needed material and financial resources from the environment. They may involve obtaining financing for construction of new plants, finding less-expensive sources for raw materials, or hiring top-quality technology graduates.Market goals relate to the market share or market standing desired by the organization. Market goals are the responsibility of marketing, sales, and advertising departments.Productivity goals concern the amount of output achieved from available resources. They describe the amount of resource inputs required to reach desired output and are thus stated in term of “cost for a unit of production,” “units produced per employee,”  or “resource cost per employee.”e) Describe what strategy(strategies) they use to achieve organizational goals. Then, analyze how the organization formulating these strategies by using 2 different models. Porter model of competitive strategies
Miles and Snow’s strategy typology two websites have the definition for both models. You need to use both models to analyze, as a way to contrast. After that, you need to talk about how the strategies affect organizational design.

f) Assess the strategies to show whether they work well or not. Are they good or bad. What are the positive parts and negative parts for these strategies.


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