APA Scientific Review

APA Scientific Review
Format APA

Volume of 8 pages (2200 words)
Assignment type : Research Paper
For your paper, you can pick any topic you find interesting within the
scientific literature relating to states of consciousness but it CANNOT be
the same topic you will be choosing for your presentation. The content
criteria for your paper are:
1. This entire paper will be a scientific review, covering a wide scope
on your given topic that also captures important depth such as
interesting findings, important theories, or conflicting evidence on
the subject.
2. It does NOT have to be something we’ve covered in lecture or in
the text if you have an idea you want to explore but it must be
related to emotion and motivation nonetheless. Just make sure you
are interested in it.
3. If it’s not clearly related to course content you MUST clear your
topic with me, but if you would like assistance in choosing or
assurance in your choice feel free to e-mail me as well. However, I
can only be helpful if you reach me in advance of the deadline for
submitting your topic and your final deadline for your paper.
A quality paper would demonstrate that you have given this topic significant
thought, and present studies related to your topic in a way that provides an
interesting narrative. This could be making an argument for a certain type of
theory or stance on emotion or motivation and discussing it in light of
supporting and conflicting evidence or presenting the scientific literature on
biological, pharmacological, evolutionary, or any other phenomena related
to the course. This information may conflict, studies may find different
results, but it’s your job to paint a picture of the current thinking within the
subject and review it’s pros and cons. It will be important to examine
information from manuscripts and integrate them into your topic in a way
that flows. What does the science behind your topic suggest?
Explore many studies, taking information and working it into a scientific
story that adds substance to your topic specifically. Collect information from
many studies without getting bogged down in the small details of papers

such as information that doesn’t address your central idea like how many
participants were in a study, how they were recruited, types of analyses used,
etc. This is meant to be broad in scope on a particular topic, and convey
content. So, focus on the results and discussions of manuscripts and perhaps
the odd interesting study design that brings your question to light, but do not
hyper-focus on the details of every study. This may mean you have far more
than 12 references in your paper but the point is to highlight your topic and
not to outline smaller details from a specific study unless it’s vital to the
question since it is more of a topic review. This way you can maintain a flow
within your work and cover a wider and deeper range of content.
Your paper MUST have the following in APA format:
1. Title Page (Running Head, Title, Name, Page Number)
2. Abstract (Brief intro and summary of paper, less than 300 words)
3. 8-10 pages double spaced (NOT including title page, abstract,
4. References section (12 references minimum discussed in the
paper, APA formatting)

Examples of Paper Topics:
Biological dysfunction in PTSD
Examining Freud’s Drive Theory- Is it still relevant?
The consequences of different perceptions of control- exploring the perceived locus
of causality
William James and the Dawn of Instinct Theory

PSY 328 APA Comments

Helpful points for APA formatting incase you’ve forgotten:

1. Your title page should have:
a. ‘Running Head: __PERSONALITY AND EMOTION__’
b. Page number in the top-right hand corner
2. Paper Component
a. Header should say on every page in all caps:
b. Page number in the top-right hand corner starting
with ‘2’
3. In-text citations
a. If you quote multiple authors for one idea
i. (Smith & Jones, 2013; Jones & Smith, 2013)
ii. If there are more than 3 authors use
(Jones, Smith, et al., 2013)

b. You can use the authors name in a sentence and cite
i. A study by Smith and Jones (2013) says that

4. Grammar
a. “The researches suggest”
i. Several studies suggest….
b. Affect vs Effect
i. affect as a verb meaning to influence something
and effect for the something that was

5. References
a. Alphabetization
i. Make sure your authors are alphabetized
according to last name of first author

b. Journals
i. Always be sure to italicize journals in your
reference section and volumes
1. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 13(4)

c. Spacing

i. Everything in your references should be the
same spacing between lines, double spaced

d. Indent
i. Make sure when you post your citations that
you have a hanging head for the first line of
your citation and then the other lines are
indented inward underneath it.


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