descriptive report for american popular music

descriptive report for american popular music

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Format MLA

Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Assignment type : Essay

1. Descriptive Report for American Popular Music For this class, select one song from the textbook to discuss and analyze. The process should be objective but also include your personal observations along with references from outside sources. Conclude with a personal thought or observation concerning the song. Process for Writing (1) Offer an introductory section with the name of the song to be discussed. Include a statement that offers your position on the aesthetics of your chosen piece. (2) Describe the song in objective details such as date written, possible genres, instrumentation, and other factual data. Include historical context.
(3) Present a section that gives your personal perspective concerning this song. How do you relate to this piece? Present (4) information from credible published resources that show (5) different or opposing perspectives. (6) Present a final conclusion to your discussion.



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