Discussion on Modern and Postmodern Poetry

Discussion on Modern and Postmodern Poetry

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Format MLA

Volume of 1 page (275 words)
Discipline English Language
Assignment type : Essay

Henry James and “Daisy Miller”In the following post, discuss two poems POSTED IN THE CLASS. In a short, 500 word essay, discuss how one of the poems you have chosen is an example of modern literature and the other poem you have chosen is an example of postmodern poetry. Use the lists of ideas from the module on modernism and postmodernism to help guide you through what are the elements of modernism vs postmodernism. Use quotes to identify the quality of modernism or postmodernism you wish to discuss. Then use quotes from the poems you have chosen to discuss how they are examples of modernism or postmodernism. Think carefully about this. Once you have posted, be sure to respond to at least two other students with thoughtful and carefully considered analyses of their ideas.


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