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Format MLA

Volume of 1 page (275 words)
Assignment type : Other types

The purpose of this assignment is to practice using persuasive techniques, including rhetoric and audience-centered framing.

Write 15 headlines and at least 3 different subheads for the product and target audience revealed in class. Your headlines should generate excitement and be framed to help audience members select themselves for further exposure to the message. Pay special attention to starting points—shared beliefs and common values. Put your best options first.

Attach a paragraph (up to 250 words) explaining how your rhetoric will be effective in persuading the target audience. Describe their values or beliefs and why your starting points will resonate.

Grading and Evaluation

Explanation paragraphs should be double spaced, with 1-inch margins, using 12-point Times New Roman font and should demonstrate that you’ve thought systematically about your persuasive tools.

Assignments will be graded on strength of rhetoric, quality of explanation and written form.

Upload to Canvas and bring a printout or PDF to class for internal regroup discussion.



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