LP2 Assignment: My Life, My Success Skills

LP2 Assignment: My Life, My Success Skills

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Format MLA

Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Assignment type : Creative Writing

Think about 2-3 times in your life when you either learned or demonstrated one or
more of the college or career success skills mentioned in this learning plan. Some
examples of these life experiences might be a job you held, a new sport, hobby, or
skill you learned, or a difficult personal challenge you overcame.
For each example, write a paragraph of about 5-7 sentences. Tell us:
• What happened. Give us lots of details! Tell a story.
• The success skills you learned or demonstrated as a result of this
Your writing should be 2-3 paragraphs in length, or no fewer than 250 words.
If you choose to revise material you have already submitted in another course, you
must tell your instructor that you have revised previous work, so you can avoid
violating NAU’s Academic Integrity Policy. Write the following message to your
instructor at the start of your paper: “Portions of this paper were submitted for credit


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