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Format MLA

Volume of 3 pages (825 words)
Assignment type : Other types

2-to-3 pages, double-spaced, 12 font size

Profile a person or a group that has made a significant difference in your community.

You will first interview the subject of your profile or a representative of the subject and build your paper based on the contents of that interview. You are required to submit the complete transcript of your interview with the essay.
Profile Notes
1) Thesis – advances the central or dominant impression that you wish to convey about the subject. These two components need to be explicit.
Ex. Through overcoming her own battle, her willingness to spread the message, and her ability to raise funds, Judith Wilson has been extremely vital to the fight against breast cancer.
The two key components are present in the previous statement –
a. Subject- Judith Wilson
b. Central/Dominant Impression – vital to the fight against breast cancer
2) Unity – your thesis should look into an aspect of your subject. It will not explore every angle of that individual’s life. Therefore, your supporting points will hone in on the illustrations that are pertinent to your explicit/dominant impression.
For example, in an essay written based on the above thesis example, my focus as a writer should center on Wilson’s role in the fight against breast cancer. It might not be relevant to talk about what she is like as a wife, a mother, or a real estate agent, unless those details in some way connect to something she’s doing to combat breast cancer.
3) Major Supporting Points – you will need at least three major supporting points. It’s only a major supporting point if I can offer several examples or illustrations through which to support it.
For example, the three major supporting points for the model thesis are actually outlined in the thesis:
a. Overcame her own battle b. Spreads the message c. Helps raise money
While you do not have to offer your major supporting points in the thesis, you do need to ensure that you have at least three.

4) Style – your essay should not be written in question-answer format. In other words, your paper should not look like an interview. Instead, take the evidence from your interview and transition that information into composition format, in an articulate, creative way.
(Below is an example of question-answer format)
When I asked Ms. Wilson how much money her organization has raised, she said, “So far, we’ve raised $350,000. We’ve done that in less than two years.” I then asked her what methods they’ve used to secure those funds, to which she responded, “We had fundraisers, telethons. We even set up the website so people could donate any time they wanted.” My next question to the cancer survivor was, what type of fundraisers did you do? She answered, “We hosted a dinner….”
(Below is an example of the correct format)
Perhaps Judith Wilson’s biggest impact in the fight against breast cancer has been through her ability to raise money for the cause. In 2013, she established The Breast Cancer Warriors, a non-profit organization created to offer financial support to cancer research, as well as families struggling to pay for treatment or medications. To date, Wilson’s organization has raised $350,000. The cancer survivor uses several mediums to accumulate these funds. “We had fundraisers, telethons,” she noted. “We even setup the website so people could donate anytime they want.” One of those fundraisers, held this past April, generated $8,500….
5) Supporting Details – supporting evidence is needed to illustrate each of the major supporting points. Realistically, you should be able to locate at least four-to-six specific examples.
Avoid generalizations (i.e. Wilson goes around the country speaking to a lot of different groups about breast cancer.)
This statement doesn’t give the reader a clear picture of Wilson’s exploits and therefore would not be considered supporting detail.
Instead, be more informative (i.e. Wilson went on a college speaking tour in 2013, visiting such institutions as Aiken Technical College, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, and Rutgers University, talking to health science students about her journey.)

6) Accruing Details – one viable way to obtain information is through a line of questioning. Asking the – who, what, when, where, why, and how – of the subject, will provide you the necessary detail for support.
For example, I might ask Wilson how much money she has raised, how much is her goal, where the money has come from, who benefits from the funds, when she started raising money, and why she thinks it is important to raise money. The responses to these questions would help build my supporting point of … her ability to raise funds.
*The more defined my question is, the more informative my data will be.



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