social issues

social issues

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Format MLA

Volume of 6 pages (1650 words)
Assignment type : Research Paper

General Requirements for the Project:
All submissions must:
• use 3 peer reviewed sources in addition to whatever primary texts they discuss (and these sources must be used, actually cited, in the essay, not just listed in the works cited at the end)
• be 1500 words long
• must be original to this class and assignment (no submissions from other courses and or previous forums are allowed)
• be in MLA format and use MLA style citations
• BE CAREFUL that you do not create a cut and paste essay of information from your various sources; your ideas are to be the focus of the essay, and the research should only supplement and support your ideas. Also, take great care not to plagiarize; if in doubt, cite the source..

Topic for the Research Project
Social Issues in Pygmalion(play) and The Importance of Being Earnest(play): Both plays emphasize issues with class during the turn of the century. What sort of statements could these plays be making? With this choice, it is important that you use both plays within your response. You may compare/contrast the two, but you must create an overall point with this sort of comparison in your essay.


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