Attitude Change, Obedience to Authority, and Role Conformance Discussion Forum

Attitude Change, Obedience to Authority, and Role Conformance Discussion Forum

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Format MLA

Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Assignment type : Essay

Choose ONE of the prompts below for your Forum topic (see the General Discussion Forum Instructions, and the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric, for a complete understanding of what is expected and how your Forum participation will be assessed).
• Discuss how our attitudes are affected by the social psychological phenomena cognitive dissonance, justification of effort, informational social influence, and normative social influence.
• ALS CHALLENGE. Discuss the types of conformity and other social influences that were likely involved in the viral success of the ALS ice bucket challenge. Be sure to describe the challenge, and define the types of influence involved with specificity as to how and why the influences involved promoted the challenge success.
• OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY. Discuss Stanley Milgram’s 1960’s series of studies on obedience to authority, and the more recent study that uses a similar paradigm to study obedience (Burger, 2009). Be sure to discuss what we learned from these studies (i.e., what can cause us to conform, or not), and ethical ramifications (pros and cons) of such studies.
• ROLE CONFORMANCE. Discuss Philip Zimbardo’s (Haney, Banks & Zimbardo, 1973) study on role conformance (The Stanford Prison Experiment). Be sure to address what the Zimbardo team set out to demonstrate with the experiment (i.e., what did he expect?), the results of the experiment and what was learned, the potential benefits and pitfalls of role conformance in our everyday lives, and the ethical ramifications of Zimbardo’s experiment.
• SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION. Many scientists believe that we are each largely socially constructed through conditioning (operant and classical), conformance, social tuning, normative social influence, and informational social influence. Discuss how these social psychological phenomenon shape who we are.

Guidelines for all posts. Posts must be professional, with proper punctuation, grammar and spelling (text speak is not acceptable). Make sure that you adequately define any concepts you discuss, so that anyone unfamiliar with the topic can understand your remarks. Any content quoted, paraphrased, or gleaned from others must be properly cited (be very careful not to plagiarize―plagiarism detection devices will be used!). While opinions can be stated in a Forum, opinions should be backed up by facts (with proper citations and related references). Although more than one citation/reference is suggested for each post, at least one citation/reference must be included with every post (if only one citation/reference is included in a post, our textbook should not be used as the single source―introduce something NEW!). Credibility of your remarks may be lost if a classmate has challenged some aspect of one of your posts and you do not successfully rebut the challenge in an additional reply post. Posts should be entered directly into the Forum, not added as an attachment. Attachments should be used only if absolutely necessary for illustration, e.g., a chart, image, or table. Once a post is made, it cannot be edited or deleted. When you are critiquing what a classmate has posted through a response or rebuttal post, make sure that you argue the issue, never the author. And as always, etiquette!


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