compare and contrast Georg simmel (fashion) and thorstein veblen (Conspicuous consumption)

compare and contrast Georg simmel (fashion) and thorstein veblen (Conspicuous consumption)

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Format MLA

Volume of 1100 – 2200 pages (6 pages)
Assignment type : Essay

You will write a critical analysis essay comparing, contrasting, or discussing two or more theoretical
perspectives of your choice. The first essay will focus on “The Roots” section of the sociological theories
covered in our text. The second will cover “The Branches” section.
To begin, choose the theories/theorists that you wish to analyze. Think about the similarities and differences.
Find outside sources to support your thoughts. Your paper will begin with an introduction. Here is where you
briefly state the points you are going to make about the two theories you choose. Some call this providing a
thesis sentence.
In the body of the essay, take one point at a time. Discuss both the differences (list 3-4) and the similarities (list
3-4) you perceive in your chosen set of theories/theorists. Provide the necessary background, clearly explain
your choices, and support your claims with quotes (cites/references) from either the original theorist or
introduce experts (trusted sources) who have addressed the topic (a minimum of three (3) sources beyond the
text are required for full credit).
We will go over sources available both in local libraries and on the Internet. (Google Scholar, not Google.
Wikipedia is not a trusted source.)
In your conclusion, pull it all together by briefly restating your original points. Here you can also point to ways
to expand or alter the ideas you have analyzed.
For full credit:
• You will clearly highlight the similarities and the differences. There are always similarities differences in
points of view on almost any topic. You just may have to dig a bit deeper to find them. You must justify
your statements with citations from original (the theorists themselves) or secondary sources (experts on the
• You will use both the text and three (3) additional sources or you will loose points.
• Your information will be presented in a logical progression, beginning with an introduction and finishing
with a conclusion.
• Clarity is important. This requires good grammar and sentence structure as well as a logical flow to your
thoughts. I suggest finding a colleague or a class buddy to work with by proof reading each others paper.
Failing that, a visit to the writing lab could be very useful.
• You will include an ASA (American Sociological Association) formatted Bibliography.
• You will properly cite all of your sources both within the essay and in the Bibliography using ASA
formatting style.
• Your paper should be 7 – 8 pages in length, 12-point font, 2.0 spacing, with one (1) inch margins.


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