To what extent do you believe university education equips you with career capital skills

To what extent do you believe university education equips you with career capital skills

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Format MLA

Volume of 4 pages (1100 words)
Assignment type : Essay

Do NOT use colour, photos, clipart, fancy fonts, 3D charts (if you want justification for that, all articles, scripts, books, theses are submitted in plain black/white formatting; plain formatting also helps me to focus on your argument).
Times New Roman, 12 font size, single/1.5-spacing, APA/MLA/Harvard referencing style, as long as you maintain ONE referencing style throughout your essay.
if you genuinely have an Internet connection problem you may wish to complain to your network provider and obtain evidence from them.
Word template is attached.

1000±10% words (excluding references)

• use in-text citations, they must be aligned with your reference list.
• thesis statement is not mandatory.
• no advantages and disadvantages anywhere in the text. Please find a replacement for this
• present your best tentative judgment BASED on the empirical evidence (1st part of the question) and your personal view (your opinion) closer to the end of the essay.
• delete the yellow bits when using this template
• keep the line numbering (this is done to avoid downloading your essays and be able to give you inline feedback)

• be amazing.

References (Not bibliography!!!):

Must be in alphabetical order…



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