The multiple use of multimodality

The multiple use of multimodality

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Format MLA

Volume of 3000 – 3500 words (12 pages)
Assignment type : Essay
Research Paper Outline Three Different Use of Multimodality
I. Introduction
A. Multimodality is a theory in communications and social semiotics aimed to analyze the many different ways people use to communicate with each other and to express themselves. “Multimodality is the use of multiple semiotic modes (textual, aural, linguistic, spatial, or visual) to create a single media text or artifact”. Multimodality is used in different ways with different meanings and purposes. Some apply multimodality in order to take some certain advantages as it happens in products’ advertisements, while others apply it to express their ideas or to encourage health and wellbeing.
B. This paper will focus on a multimodal analysis of how semantics are used in different fields for different purposes such as: the use of semantics in advertisements to promote products, in art to express opinions and ideas, and in State’s public service announcements to encourage safety, health, and wellbeing.
Or: the Apple Inc.’s use of semantics in advertisements to promote and personalize its products, The …… ‘s use in art to criticize society and to empower the role of woman, and of how the state uses semantics to encourage safety and health.

II. Body
A. Paragraph 1, Multimodality in Advertisements.
1. Advertising, as the engine of commerce, plays a critical role in the success of a company in this increasingly commercialized society. As everyone knows, in the world of advertisement there are incredibly numerous strategies in order to grab the audience’s attention. Those many tactics comprehend use of color, text, image, etc and the way their reciprocal relationship.
a) explain some tactics in advertising
b) correlation between tactics and multimodality
c) the hidden persuader messages
d) the use of multimodality as persuader to sell
2. An example of multimodality as a dominant feature of modern advertising is the analysis of how Apple Inc. uses semantics in advertisements to personalize its products.
a) images
b) theories
B. Paragraph 2, Multimodality in Art
1. A completely different use of multimodality can be found in art. Paintings are forms of personal expressions with no “selling” purpose; Indeed, Art’s main objective is that to revolutionize a way of thinking and to put the observer in a deep reflection about life in general.
a) some history
b) different purposes about life
2. However, in order to analyze this “life reflection” purpose of the use Multimodality in art, I consider a perfect and clear example the Pop Art Movement.
a) story of the movement
b) images
C. Paragraph 3, Multimodality used by the State
1. The State applies the use of semiotics both for its private interest and for public interest.
2. An example of the State’s personal interest use of multimodality could be considered the Nazis Propaganda in German, and the personal propaganda Trump uses nowadays through twitter.
a) Nazis Propaganda
b) Trump propaganda
3. On the other hand, Similarly to the Art’s use of semiotics, the State’s public service announcements do not look for some personal advantages. In other words, The PSA is a message in the public interest disseminated without charge, with the only pure objective of raising awareness, changing public attitudes and behavior towards social issues.
a) Brief story of PSA
b) use of semiotics in PSA
c) Road Signs



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