Risk assessment and management

Risk assessment and management

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Format Other

Volume of 20 pages (5500 words)
Assignment type : Research Paper

You are expected to write a class paper, not to exceed 20 pages, researching and citing public information sources, other than Wikipedia. Required paper style based on Kate L. Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.

Criteria for a successful paper:
Original research, data from research or experiments and complete citation of sources – 80%
Use of professional English writing – 10%
Professional paper formatting (according to Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations) – 10%

Paper Topic Title: Risk Assessment and Management

Section Titles:

I. Introduction:
Reactive approach
Proactive approach

II. Risk identification:
Risk identification
Asset identification and valuation
People procedures and data set identification
Hardware software and network asset identification
Information asset classification
Security clearances
Threat identification
Vulnerability identification

III. Risk Prioritization:
Listing assets in order of importance
Data classification and management

IV. Risk Management:
Management of classified data
Risk assessment
Valuation of information assets
Risk determination
Identify possible controls
Access controls

V. Studying the approaches to Risk Management:
Quantitative risk management

VI. Conclusion



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