Technology & Society

– Technology & Society

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Format APA

Volume of 3 pages (825 words)
Discipline Communications
Assignment type : Other types
The purpose of the Topic Review is to give you an opportunity to intellectually explore and analytically interrogate issues related to key course themes, not to undertake exhaustive research in a narrow area of interest. The goal is to have you critically engage with significant issues and themes raised in the course readings prior to the lecture. While the Topic Review is not intended to be a formal essay in the sense that you must prove a particular argument, it is nonetheless a formal assignment insofar as the discussion should demonstrate a reasoned consideration of the assigned topic question(s). While composing your Topic Reviews, you will be well served to keep in mind Quan-Haase’s discussions of the ways in which power, socio-cultural practices, and technologies are mutually productive of one another. This is not to say that you have to discuss these theories in detail (or at all) each week, but that you should always have these concepts/tools in mind while addressing the material(s) related to your Topic Reviews. Her discussions of inequalities, marginalization, opportunities, and affordances are excellent critical tools for the deconstruction and analysis of technocultural phenomena. Please be aware that the Topic Review is not an “op-ed” piece based on unsupported opinion. It is expected that cogent arguments will be brought to bear on the material, but that these arguments may be open-ended. You are not required to provide research beyond the course material but you may do so if you wish.Citations (if needed) may be in either MLA or APA style (APA is likely best).

The Topic Reviews will be graded according to 3 equally weighted criteria (Content, Logic, and Style),
each of which is assessed according to a scale of 1 to 10:
• Content
assesses the degree to which you have demonstrably mastered the course material.
• Logic
assesses your skill in organizing and presenting your discussion.
• Style
assesses the mechanics of your writing (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.).
The grading rubric for this assignment is available on Sakai

Topic To be reviewed

Oct 18] The conceptualization and practice of control is fundamental to the ways in which technological devices and systems are deployed in the service of managing populations. Surveillance thus becomes an increasingly important and pervasive practice due to the ‘need’ to accurately measure and monitor people in order to deliver (and police) social services provided by various governmental institutions. What emerges, then, is a situation wherein people become ‘cases’ and ‘resources’ for the ongoing practice of governance (or what Foucault terms “governmentality”). Needless to say, this scenario leads to an entangled set of relations amongst people, practices, devices, and governance that ends up producing an intensification of the scope, scale, and depth of control such that it may be said that we, today, live in what might rightly be termed a “Control Society”. For this week’s review, think about former SUN Microsystems CEO said in 1999 when questioned about privacy issues related to their then-new JINI technology: (consumer privacy issues) “are a red herring… You have zero privacy anyway, get over it”. With particular reference to Deleuze, do you agree or disagree that it is time for us to simply “get over” the issue of privacy? Does the centrality of control to modern governmentality mean that it is difficult (if not impossible) to provide any meaningful protection and/or assurance of personal privacy in the 21st century?



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