Research Project Outcome and Evaluation
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Format MLA
Volume of 1200 – 1965 pages (6 pages)
Assignment type : Research Paper
– Listed Below are ways in which you can present your outcome.
1. Formal Research Report
2. Editorial
3. And, PowerPoint
However, the only way in which I will present my outcome is the format of a report.
Formal Research Report as a Research Outcome:
– Maximum of 2000 words (including references, appendixes and headings)
– A Formal Report is on way in which you might present your Research Outcome for your Research Project. This type of format will take your readers through the research processes whilst highlighting key findings that your discovered along the way (i.e. after researching X, Y and Z was discovered).
– Formal Reports are written in the third person and are generally impersonal and matter of fact (Eg. “These are my results… it means…” NOT “I think that this says this…”)
– Below is a generally accepted basic format of a formal report (but you might choose to adapt this template to suit your own style and topic.
– Some options include, using (where appropriate):
Graphs of your surveys or test results
Graphics or designs
Photographs or picture
– Longer formal reports can use a slightly complicated number system, which make it easier for readers to read and refer (Eg. Finding 4.21 of the Fitzgerald Report found that…). As your report will not be that long (2000 words) you can use a simpler numbering system. However, if you are interested in using a number sequence, numbers run as follows: Chapter 1, Section 1.1, Subsection 1.11, Paragraph 1.111, Paragraph 1.112 etc. or sometimes Roman numerals are used.
– Choose a number and heading system that is simple to understand for you and your readers.
– References – Make sure you reference your research throughout the report in text (using the Reference tab on Word will help) and include a full Reference list (or Bibliography) at the end of the report.
– Appendixes are like stapled attachments to your Report, where including them in the main body of your Report would be confusing.
Layout of Outcome:
Table of contents (make sure that his has its own page, include page numbers).
1. Project Details
a) Aims of research (1-2 paragraphs)
In this section discuss the whole purpose of doing this research (other than just passing the Research Project). What were you trying to find out or investigate?
(Eg. The purpose of this research was to…)
b) Research Question / Refined Topic (1 paragraph)
State your refined questions or topic.
c) Rationale (1 paragraph)
Why would this research be useful or interesting to you or others?
2. Research Methodology
(state each process you used and briefly what you learnt about your topic from each, this section might be merged with Findings under the same heading)
Eg. Survey
Internet Research
Interview of…
Etc. etc.
3. Participants (1-2 paragraphs – if used surveys etc.)
If you chose to survey or interview people for your research, briefly state their background (age, qualifications, male, female etc. as relevant to your research).
4. Findings (1-5 paragraphs, depending how much information you discovered)
List the main findings in order of importance
5. Summary and Recommendations
Summarise the Key Findings and if appropriate make some recommendations for others. If more than one recommendation, list them: Recommendation 1, 2, 3 etc. The clear and precise, some Recommendations might only have one sentence. Eg. “Year 12 students need to develop their own individual study patterns to cope with stress that suits their own circumstances.”
6. References
You can use the bibliography also. Use either the References Tab in Microsoft word or the SLASA Online Reference Creator:
7. Appendices
This might include a copy of your survey/s, graphs, letters etc. etc. and you should refer to these in the rest of your report (Eg. See Appendix 1)
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
Appendix 3:
Appendix 4:
Appendix 5:
This portion of the research project is externally assessed (moderated)! It is worth 30% of the research project mark and covers 4 performance standards: S3, E1, E2 and E3.
• evaluate the research processes used
• reflect on the chosen capability and its relevance to themselves and their research project
• reflect on the research outcome and its value to themselves and, where applicable, to others.
The evaluation must include:
• a 150 word written summary of the research project, research processes used, and research outcome (the summary provides background information for the assessors and forms part of the evaluation)
• an evaluation in written form; it can include visual material such as photographs and diagrams integrated into the written text
• a written assessment of a maximum of 1500 words (excluding the written summary).
Some notes from SACE on the moderation/grading process and general points:
• The evaluation is against four performance standards and is given a mark out of 30, SACE assessors examine your teacher’s grading of your work and confirm (leave it alone)/change this based on the level of work produced and the grade assigned to it (to ensure adherence to standards)
• E1 is given a mark out of 15, and E2,E3 and S3 are combined to give a mark out of 15 for a total of 30
• First and Third person can be used throughout both the outcome and the evaluation
• This piece of work should be a critical evaluation of the research and its processes, not a narrative/list of what you did – these responses can only achieve at the C grade level.
• It is best to structure your work into subheadings (provided A+ exemplar is a good reference for this)
• They are looking for analysis of sources – they want to know about reliability, credibility and bias and expect some evidence of thought about how and why you made decisions about your research and its processes. Writing the Written Summary
The purpose of the written summary (150 words) is to provide background information about the topic and nature of the Research Project for the external assessors.
Suggested contents:
• Research topic – title and reasons for choice
• Research processes – identification of main activities
• Chosen capability – brief description/explanation
• Research Outcome – brief description/explanation
An example: Written Summary
Research Topic: Produce a design and work plan suitable for a mural outside the local swimming pool.
I really like murals and am interested in how they are both designed and commissioned. I wanted to put a proposal to the council about putting a mural at the front entrance of the new swimming pool.
I researched murals and kept records about their similarities and differences; location, themes, size, materials, colour, artist’s name etc. I also read a number of magazines and articles and talked to my art teacher about design techniques and materials. I interviewed three people who had completed commissions to produce murals in Australia, talked to quite a few councils who had supplied the money for public art and talked to the manager of the local swimming pool.
My chosen capability was personal development and I demonstrated my initiative, creative abilities and understanding of notion/construction of identity. All of these things, combined with a growth in self-confidence and planning/problem-solving skills, have emerged as relevant aspects of my capability during my research project.
My Research Outcome consists of a work plan which includes a design, together with suggested materials, construction details, and costs.
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