Research paper on Problems of an Organization

Research paper on Problems of an Organization

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Format MLA

Volume of 7 pages (1925 words)
Assignment type : Research Paper

Identify and investigate a management problem. The problem cannot be hypothetical but can be identified through media and print reports. A good example I would suggest is: Lack of motivation for employees within the organization. You can look into theories such as Public service motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic values.
Further Details include:
• Identify and evaluate the management issue or problem that is of challenge to an
• Provide an in-depth analysis of the issue, including what contributed to the problem, what solutions were made overcome the issue.
• Recommend viable solutions to the problem by suggesting alternative theoretical
approaches and use data evidence that might be useful

Among the research that will be conducted, related references will be used to address the issue of low production and motivation in the work place let alone organization:

1. Stillman, R.J., II. (2010). Public Administration: Concepts and Cases. 9th Edition. New York, NY: HoughtonMifflin Company. Pp. 320-330.

2. Deci, E. L, Koestner, R, &, Ryan, R. M. (1998). Extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation: Clear and reliable effects. Unpublished manuscript. University of Rochester.

3. Moynihan, D.P. and S. Padney. (2007). The Role of Organizations in Fostering Public Service Motivation. Public Administration Review. 67(1). Pp. 40-53.

4. T. Hayamizu. Between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: Examination of reasons for academic study based on the theory of internalization. Japanese Psychological Research, 39 (1997), pp. 98-108.



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