Project Proposal

Project Proposal
The cultural work that I chose for this assignment is a painting called “The Persistence of a
Memory” created in 1931 by an artist named Salvador Dali from Spain. Painted during the
surrealist movement, this work of art is odd but that was the point of this movement. Dali would
induce hallucinatory states in himself to achieve these ideas. Many people have said the clocks
represent time and memory as they both break down and change over time just like the melting
clocks in the painting. I agree and that is what this artist was trying to portray when he painted
this picture. The cultural
work that is unfamiliar to me is the statue of Buddha. This led me to read about Buddhism and
the practices the people of this culture believe in. A few examples of these beliefs are the four
noble truths and meditation through breathing. After reading about Buddhism, I understand
better how important it is for us to experience what it’s like to be a part of another community
other than our own. I hope to one day be a social worker and this skill will allow me to interact
with and understand people of diverse backgrounds.